(800) 477-1090
1979 Marcus Avenue, Suite 210
Lake Success, NY 11042
"Find The Right JoB"
"Find The Right PeoplE"

Medical Device Executives 
with Companies 


Contact Us Today

Professional Medical Recruiting


Cooper-Stevens, Inc. connects medical device executives with companies looking to find the best employees in the industry. We bring more than a generation of experience in the field to help employers and workers alike.

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Mission Statement:

We are a top recruiting firm for our clients. We are the one they use the most and the one they trust to deliver results.

More Than 35 Years of Experience

More Than 29 Years in Business


Contact us in Lake Success, New York, to learn more about medical recruiting.

Doctors Conference

Who We Are

Cooper-Stevens, Inc. is a nationwide executive search firm based out of the New York Metro area known for its professionalism and expertise in the Medical Device field. We have a proven track record of success in this market since 1991 and have grown our small business with long-standing relationships with many of our clients and candidates to this date. We have a reputation for understanding our clients’ needs and devoted to delivering results in a timely manner.


We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us by phone, email, or the form today!

(800) 477-1090


Hours of Operation
Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Service Area

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